Providing high-quality service and customer satisfaction.
The doctors are the primary care providers. A doctor studies for many years and gains experience for a few more years before he or she can actually practice as a doctor. There are different types of doctors. The doctors that we all refer to as ‘doctor’ is also called a physician or general practitioner. We go to them for first-level diagnoses and the treatment of colds, flu,andother conditions.
Nurses are not only in hospitals. There may be trained and registered nurses in a doctor’s office to take blood pressure, do blood sugar tests, draw blood, etc. Nurses work closely with patients and their job in the healthcare process is often more important for recovery than the doctor’s. They take care of patients and are there when things go wrong. Nurses can have different levels of qualification based on their studies and experience.Therapists
Therapists are also specialists, but their services are different from those of doctors. They help people recover from illness or injury through working on physical aspects like speech, movement, coordination, etc. The main types of therapists include:- Speech therapists
- Occupational therapists
- Speech therapists
Aligning all aspects of Home Care
Healthcare needs more than just a physician. Healthcare needs a team of healthcare providers and assistants at its most basic level. Regardless of the health issue, your healthcare team will require at least two people. So, who are these individuals? When we go to the doctor, our focus is on the doctor or the specialist and we hardly think of the nurses, the administrative staff and the technicians. All of these people form part of our healthcare team.